Wifi and our general wireless technology has become the center of a serious problem. It has allowed cyber crimes today to escalate. Cyber harassment, intellectual property theft, data leakage, cyber stalking are amongst the biggest problems and are serious problems some of us are dealing with: and why our business are suffering the largest case of IP theft in history. Wifi has allowed for some of the worst crimes and harassment a possibility: the tracking, and the probing.
The tracking allows for virtually anyone to cyberstalk essentially anyone around the clock, 24/7. Doesn’t matter what you are doing in your own apartment, someone could be watching you; showering, using the restroom, masturbating, having sexual relations. Then there’s the mind probing, a new discovery found in recent years. People are tormenting others by mind probing, stealing ideas and creativity for themselves and embarrassing those individuals by possible reading very personal thoughts. Then there is the voice to skulling allowing people to communicate effortlessly for miles. Privacy is essentially dead.
This is the root of my business’s problems.
There is one very easy problem to mitigate some of this. Turn your Wifi off and get rid of the GPS. Your android and Iphones are worthless.