Newmerico (Rawico) was made from extreme hate and racism. It was made to ruin our game, our business and hurt our characters. This work generally centers around Huey, Waldy and Herrai. The work itself was racist, and it was extremely offensive to the LGBT+. The work is derivative and has stolen several characteristics from our original developing game and consists of almost all counterfeit characters. Huey, Waldy and Herrai are also all derivative unoriginal characters.
Newmerico originally was based on enslavement featuring “slave owners” whipping characters of color. One of these characters was so loved by the creators that he, Sedrick, was considered their son. The work in general was incredibly lewd. It glorifies rape and pedophilia.
The creators of this work stolen our several of our characters several times. The work name was eventually changed to Rawico. The creators regularly copied and forced our characters in aggravatingly outrageous scenes that were typically lewd and obscene. This work was so obscene that it forced character to have “visible bowel movements” in a hateful attempt to intentionally damage a character’s image. The work constantly RAPES other characters in malicious and detestable attempt to humiliate them. The exigency to humiliate was so extreme that the “visible bowel movements” often consists of MALE characters supposing passing fetishes (supposedly giving birth) to humiliate the usually raped victim. They called it whiting. Not only is this abhorrent, this damages the image of LGBT+ men( and the Black Race as they had also decided they wanted the work to be mostly all Black). This entirely shows sexual acts between men as repulsive, it gives them the image of being incredibly emasculate, forcing the character in the passive position as being essentially “female”. It is also known for showing children characters in sexual scenes, promoting the idea of pedophilia and child rape and molestation and that LGBT+ are supposedly engages in these acts.
Herrai is a supposedly main character in this work is often portrayed as the “butt” of the work. Herrai( and eventually Keyrai) is usually portrayed in an embarassingly overly feminized look, forced in lewd scenes and frequently shown “whiting”. Herrai’s (and Keyrai) model is actually one of our own models that was stolen. The creators of this work stole it in an absurd attempt to ruin him. The primary reasoning for this entire ordeal was to ruin our Terray. Terray is one of our main characters. He is our first character and is known for being a masculine badass. The creators of this work has an extraordinary and tremendous hate for him. The stole him in 2023 and reprehensibly harmed our guy incessantly throughout the year. They rented him and several of our characters, without our permission, and has made attempts to force him and several of our other characters on television to express they’re incredibly unusual loath for him, upsetting a lot of people and harming his image. He was giving a new “nickname” that doesn’t fit him. He is T-Ray.
The derivative work was freed, but to this day other individuals are trying to “continue” this hateful work, built on hate and racism, by trying to continue rent it, following these two. Every rentee that rents this worthless work are attempting to accept a racist and offensive work built on hate and using the entitled self-righteous “sewing” excuse to seize a Black man’s rights and ruin a Black own Business and traffic. Not only do these individuals appear racist, they are criminal.
The creators of this work (Anna Mcalear) is getting sued.