Our Zavier is Protected

Our Zavier is Protected. Currently, he is one of our most stolen characters because of that Vierien character. Zavier is stolen so frequently because these thieves behave as if they are unable to resist Zavier attractive athletics figure. Vierien is not legal.

Again, Zavier freed the derivative characters Waldy and Huey because they were not raw, sexy(cute), maddening, or cool.

Zavier is mischievous. This means he is injurious(wrong) and cheeky. Cheeky (and wrong) means to be rude(raw). Cheeky also means attractive. Rogue also means to be attractive. Mischievous means to cause mischief. This means he is maddening(troublesome or relatively vexing). Waldy and Huey both copied him and millions of people knows this.

Also Waldy was not “whupping” because of one of Zavier’s weapons.

Vierien was frozen.