This is the most problematic comparison in history. Simple People are completely unable to compare the two characters to determine who’s main and who is the copy. Simpletons wants to believe Waldy won. Terray is main. Waldy lost.
Waldy was written to be sober, sexy, raw(smart), rocking, and wokeness.
Terray was written to be somber(melancholic), pensive, swaggering, unethical(wrong), and fit. Terray model was done and he looks attractive. He was written and made to have a mohawk, leather jacket, and spikes.
Terray was made and written first. Who copied who?
Waldy sober is SECOND. Waldy did not have a somber disposition or was pensive.
Waldy’s sexy is SECOND. Terray looks and was written to be fit (attractive).
Waldy’s raw is SECOND. Terray is swaggering and wrong. Both means Rude(raw).
Waldy’s rocking is SECOND. Terray was written and made to have a mohawk leather jacket and has spikes.
Waldy’s wokeness is SECOND. Terray has made woke comments.
Why do people believe Waldy Won against Terray?
Waldy is public domain. Anyone copying Terray will have their life RUINED.