Waldy Copied Our Game. Its All Second.

Waldy copied our characters. Its a full derivative character that copied several of our characters. Its not special. Pirates use the shit as an excuse to hijack our works. Millions of people know about the criminal trafficking renting.

Waldy was not sobering secret sexy or raw. Its copied at least Terray, Rodryck, Zavier, Thedius/Zere’Von, Varien, and Lorenzo by being either of the characteristics. It even copied some of these characters afterwards. Waldy DID NOT SUMMON. It did in 2023 and became a full character of Lorenzo.

Waldy’s worthless serious/sobering is not special. All our characters are thoughtful. The argument rentees love to use is fucking weak. They can’t sue us. Even if some of our character were not serious I can take it, Waldy is derivative. WALDY IS NOT PROTECTED. They are all accomplices to that woman and will be sued for steep property damages and criminal trafficking and counterfeiting.

Partial protections don’t exist.