We Quit our Game to Focus our Attentions on Suing that Cuyahoga Falls, OH Woman

The Criminal woman living at the Cuyahoga Falls, OH office on broad blvd has serious damaged our game and assets after she has already hacked our devices and stolen them. She has continued to engage in extremely aggressive behavior and cyberharassment. The situation is so severe that millions of people know about the criminal trafficking she is actively engaging in.

We stopped working on our game to focus our full attention on suing her for property damages, cyberharassment and her criminal trafficking. Everybody who rents our stolen works from her will be seen as accomplices and we also be sued.

She has stolen our Terray, Rodryck, Lorenzo, and Varien the Player. She stolen our Zavier clone he several times and named them Vierien, Vieren, Vier, and Zevier. She has also copied our other characters including at least: Malty, Vare, Varin, Ty’Twon, Adonis, Zere’Von(Von). She has also made several counterfeit characters all copying our stolen characters.

She uses the excuse that she is going to sue us, but she has nothing to sue for. She stole our works.